Explore Lively
A Vintage Replica Pilot Schooner
Lively is a 1976 Willard Marine Custom Schooner. She was designed by Hale Field and constructed at Willard Boat Works in Costa Mesa, CA. She has spent most of her life in Newport Harbor, occasionally venturing up or down the coast to cruise or participate in races such as America's Schooner Cup, which she won in 2016.
Lively sails almost exclusively out of Newport Harbor, where she has been a local icon for several decades. Often celebrated as a pirate ship due to her traditional rig and tanbark sails, Lively is the most waived-to and photographed boat in the harbor, and has been featured in ashion Shoots, newspaper articles, and real estate ad backgrounds for her beloved aesthetic.

She is a dream to sail and flies up to five sails at a time: a gaff-rigged mainsail, a gaff-rigged foresail, a jib on a self-tending boom, as well as fisherman and gaff topsails. Her auxiliary propulsion is a 30-horsepower Yanmar inboard engine. Down below, she has a dinette table that seats four comfortably, a small galley (kitchen) with an icebox and electric refrigerator, and a head (restroom).
If you’re looking for new adventures in Newport Beach, spend your day sailing away on the Lively Schooner. This classic sailing yacht is perfectly equipped for day trips up and down the Southern California coast. Whether you’re looking to enjoy a romantic harbor cruise during sunset or learn the sport of sailing, the Lively Schooner has all you need. Reach out to our crew to learn more about our sailboat charters and sailing services.